With our team of skilled craftsmen and cutting-edge welding techniques, you and your team can be sure your products are made with the utmost pride and precision. Our products are manufactured in a dedicated factory, filled with only the finest equipment. Comfort Systems USA Shoffner offers complete system design, installation, and start-up— plus testing and balancing for complete kitchen ventilation packages. Our custom products are available in stainless steel, galvanized, copper, aluminum, brass, colored metals, and black iron.
Stainless Steel Division
Full Kitchen Fabrication & Installation
Hoods & Hood Skirts
Beverage Counters & Countertops
Ductwork & Fittings
Kitchen Exhaust Hoods
Pant Legs (Dishwasher Exhaust)
Popcorn Warmers
Pot Racks & Shelves
Quilted Backsplash (Wall Splash)
Stainless Steel Wall Panels
Stands & Frames
Tables, Tanks, & Trim

Galvanized Division
Chimney Caps
Coping & Trim Pieces
Copper Roofs & Flashing
Ductwork & Fittings
Drain Pans
Electrical Boxes
Equipment Rails
Filter & Plenum Boxes
Fireplace Inserts
Ladder Racks
Pipe Sleeves & Saddles
Roof Curbs & Curb Adaptors
Unit Stands & Frames
Fire Rated Access Doors


